
Coral Sea Outrigger Canoe Club


"I want to be part of the Coral Sea OCC sporting journey"

Thank you for your kind donation!!!   Your gift helps us to ensure the safety of all paddlers by updating our canoe fleet.  Our current goal is to purchase a new Canoe!   


Our total target is $35,000 and we are well on our way to achieving that objective! 

Every little bit helps, so if it's the cost of a cup of coffee, an hour's worth of parking in the city, or more, please consider supporting a locally-grown not-for-profit sporting club!!  

Your contribution helps us to reach that goal!! 

On behalf of the Coral Sea Outrigger Canoe Club, we thank you for supporting the growth of the club.  Mahalo!


psst...check back here to see how things are progressing....one seat at a time!!


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